Our students are online more than ever. Teaching them how to thoughtfully and respectfully use technology is an essential part of their social and emotional development and academic success. Digital Citizenship Week is the perfect time to re-engage students around how technology impacts their lives, and how they can use technology to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Let your school's commitment to digital citizenship kick off this Digital Citizenship Week!
We will be sharing out several digital citizenship tips and tools throughout the month of October (and beyond) as we work to integrate digital citizenship lessons in throughout the year and promote the importance of teaching digital citizenship to our school communities.
Resources to help you plan for Digital Citizenship Week 2021:
1. BrainPOP Digital Citizenship Collection: Search for "digital citizenship" and choose from 20 topics, engage students in games, and digital citizenship pacing-guides and lesson plans for educators. Be sure to access through ClassLink!
2. BrainPOP Junior: Search for "digital citizenship" and choose from eight topics and access educator lesson plans. Be sure to access through ClassLink!
3. Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Week Page: Includes week-long schedule of activities that can be edited to suite your student's needs, CASEL-aligned activities to help students reflect on how technology impacts their social and emotional well-being, full K-12 digital citizenship curriculum which include videos, customizable lessons, Nearpod integration, and Spanish resources. 4. DigCitCommit: Resources to shift our digital citizenship conversations from "don't's to do's". 5. Discovery Education: Search for "digital citizenship" and Explore SOS activities, videos, and lesson plans for educators and students. Be sure to access through ClassLink!
We will be sharing ideas and resources all month, but please reach out to Stephanie Haumont if you would like to collaborate on any digital citizenship lessons or events!
Google Meet Tips & Tricks
If you are looking for Google Meet tips and tricks, check out the resources on the newly redesigned JCPS Teacher website! Link to the Meet page HERE.
Reminder: Tech Contact/ Tech Facilitator Collaborative Meet Up!
Tech contacts and tech facilitators: Join us for our first tech collaborative meeting on Tuesday, October 5th from 4pm - 5pm!
This is a time for school tech contacts and tech facilitators to share best practices in the effective use of digital tools and resources, leading successful instructional technology programs, implementing digital learning standards, and problem-solving the day-to-day challenges that tech contacts and tech facilitators encounter.
Your attendance and participation are not required but can be used as an artifact to support your evaluation ratings. This is also an opportunity to grow your personal learning network.
If you plan to join us, please let us know what topics you would like to discuss here in this Google Form
Our running notes and Google Meet link can be found here: bit.ly/JCPSTechCollaborative.