Protecting Student Privacy on Social Media

Social media allows educators to share with the world the wonderful teaching and learning going on in classrooms, as well as the special events and programs at our schools! Social media is also a great classroom tool for modeling what good digital citizenship looks like. Check out this handy list of do’s and don’ts (from Common Sense Education) for protecting your students’ privacy while teaching them responsible, creative, and critical media use: Protecting Student Privacy on Social Media Poster

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Tech Thursday (11/18/21): Digital Citizenship Tip - Protecting Student Privacy on Social Media


Protecting Student Privacy on Social Media

Social media allows educators to share with the world the wonderful teaching and learning going on in classrooms, as well as the special events and programs at our schools! Social media is also a great classroom tool for modeling what good digital citizenship looks like. Check out this handy list of do’s and don’ts (from Common Sense Education) for protecting your students’ privacy while teaching them responsible, creative, and critical media use: Protecting Student Privacy on Social Media Poster