Celebrate Thanksgiving with NCWiseOwl!

NCWiseOwl offers many resources for students and educators as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day!

K-8 eBooks High School eBooks
Britannica ElementaryHistory Reference Center
Britannica MiddleLiterary Reference Center
Britannica HighScience Reference Center
When viewing Britannica links users must be authenticated before going to the URL.

Did you know you can share a list of resources from EBSCO products instead of just one resource at a time?

  • Complete a search such as "Thanksgiving".
  • Utilize limiters if needed (left sidebar).
  • Look for the Share option in upper right corner.
  • Copy the Permalink from dialog box.

Also, don't miss the tabs at the top of Britannica searches! Choose Reading Levels, Articles, Images, Videos, Lesson Plans, Dictionary, Magazines, Web's Best Sites and more!  

Please share with your teachers and colleagues - great way to get those started who are missing out on NCWiseOwl resources! 

If these resources come too late for you, you can use this NCWiseOwl search strategy for any topic.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Media Monday (11/22/2021): Celebrate Thanksgiving with NCWiseOwl!

Celebrate Thanksgiving with NCWiseOwl!

NCWiseOwl offers many resources for students and educators as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day!

K-8 eBooks High School eBooks
Britannica ElementaryHistory Reference Center
Britannica MiddleLiterary Reference Center
Britannica HighScience Reference Center
When viewing Britannica links users must be authenticated before going to the URL.

Did you know you can share a list of resources from EBSCO products instead of just one resource at a time?

  • Complete a search such as "Thanksgiving".
  • Utilize limiters if needed (left sidebar).
  • Look for the Share option in upper right corner.
  • Copy the Permalink from dialog box.

Also, don't miss the tabs at the top of Britannica searches! Choose Reading Levels, Articles, Images, Videos, Lesson Plans, Dictionary, Magazines, Web's Best Sites and more!  

Please share with your teachers and colleagues - great way to get those started who are missing out on NCWiseOwl resources! 

If these resources come too late for you, you can use this NCWiseOwl search strategy for any topic.

Happy Thanksgiving!