Over the next few days we have some great PD being offered by our partners!
Tomorrow is the next one: bit.ly/jcpsteacher to join - you will get a certificate of attendance.
See you there!
Gizmos- All Middle school math and science folks will want to attend these sessions. Learn how to harness the power of the Gizmos platform to make really engaging and interactive lessons for your students highly focused on the North Carolina standards.
DiscoveryEd - learn about new features including SEL and STEM channels that have been added as well as new functionality to the platform all standards aligned and ready to use tomorrow! K-5 learn about how Mystery Science is partnering with DiscoveryEd to make both tools more user friendly.
Next Week: December 7-11 is the Hour of Code Week
Then check out some of the cool activities to expose your students to an hour of code!
Tynker: Hour of Code list
Media and Tech Leaders
The deadline for completing the DLMI and DLRubric is December 9 - when you have completed these please let Michelle Turnage and Amy Stanley so we can start to check them. If you have questions or need help please let us know! We appreciate all your hard work to complete these reports mid-year.