We wanted to welcome you back to 2018-19 School Year, and share a few tidbits of information that might be help to you in the CTA Role.
The Acceptable Usage Policy sign off is part of the PowerSchool Parent Portal this year. When parents sign off on the Gazette, they are agreeing to our AUP (among other items). However, we want to encourage schools to take additional time/measures to discuss digital citizenship and online safety throughout the year and especially at the beginning of the year. Gazette attached for those of you who aren't parents in the district.
If you have contractual employees or student teachers/substitutes, They can complete the staff AUP and send it to Christa Leverette, she will work on getting them a computer login as needed. Form attached.
Reminder that new destiny patrons (teacher/staff) will need to be entered on this form: http://bit.ly/JCSPatron
If you are making new purchases and the record hasn't been created (be sure to check for the record by searching "all of Johnston County", if it isn't in the system, you can request a new asset record here: http://bit.ly/JCSAsset
We are still working on configuring the new filter and we are experiencing growing pains! Chromebooks and Desktops are each configured separately, but we are doing our best to make the configuration the same. Please continue to email Doug Denton when you find things that need to be unblocked.
As a reminder, when a student moves from one school to another their accounts will be down while we wait for the official transfer/enrollment to be received in PowerSchool. If you can't see your student in your container, check with your data manager to see if they are completely enrolled first.
Never hesitate to contact us (Christa or Amy) for assistance! We will see you at the opening meeting!