1- If you have any devices, projectors, etc. out for repair, be sure to contact the vendors to get the repairs completed, the items returned, and invoices submitted for payment ASAP. If you have some that will not be returned until June, you may want to inform the business office.
2- If you have any Chromebooks or iPads that have been Lost, Stolen or Damaged (no longer usable) send April Richardson a spreadsheet by the end of May that includes Your Contact information, School, JCS Barcode, and Serial Number. Update the records in Resource Manager (Asset manager) as well. Email:aprilrichardson@johnston.k12.nc.us
1) Prior to sending Chromebooks and iPads out for repair, contact April Richardson to deprovision the Chromebooks and/or Wipe the iPads.
2) Contact Michelle Turnage when you have completed and your principal has signed off on the DLMI (the new AMTR).
Please let Michelle Turnage know if you have any questions!