Melissa Waring is the 2022 JCPS Employee of the Year - 

Media Specialist!

Congratulations to Mrs. Melissa Waring who is the media specialist at Corinth Holders Elementary School!

Not only does Mrs. Waring serve as the school library media specialist and Battle of the Books Coach (her team came in 2nd Place this year in the JCPS District competition), but she also serves as the school's Certified Technology Assistant, addressing technology concerns and providing students and staff with instructional technology support and devices. She leads in many capacities throughout her school building, supporting students and colleagues alike.

Mrs. Waring was nominated by school administration who describe the the school library media center as the heartbeat of the school. Mrs. Waring has built wonderful relationships with her students and colleagues, as well as an amazing library program. 

Her school library media center is innovative, fun, inviting, organized, and student-centered (take a look at her amazing space below!). She has created a "Future Ready" library where students can discover just right books via with signage and dynamic/discoverable shelving, and she offers play areas and flexible seating. 

A big round of applause for Mrs. Melissa Waring! Feel free to give her a shout out in the comments! JCPS is fortunate to have so many rockstar school library media specialists!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Media Monday (6/6/2022): 2022 JCPS Media Specialist of the Year! 🎊


Melissa Waring is the 2022 JCPS Employee of the Year - 

Media Specialist!

Congratulations to Mrs. Melissa Waring who is the media specialist at Corinth Holders Elementary School!

Not only does Mrs. Waring serve as the school library media specialist and Battle of the Books Coach (her team came in 2nd Place this year in the JCPS District competition), but she also serves as the school's Certified Technology Assistant, addressing technology concerns and providing students and staff with instructional technology support and devices. She leads in many capacities throughout her school building, supporting students and colleagues alike.

Mrs. Waring was nominated by school administration who describe the the school library media center as the heartbeat of the school. Mrs. Waring has built wonderful relationships with her students and colleagues, as well as an amazing library program. 

Her school library media center is innovative, fun, inviting, organized, and student-centered (take a look at her amazing space below!). She has created a "Future Ready" library where students can discover just right books via with signage and dynamic/discoverable shelving, and she offers play areas and flexible seating. 

A big round of applause for Mrs. Melissa Waring! Feel free to give her a shout out in the comments! JCPS is fortunate to have so many rockstar school library media specialists!