Heads Up High Schools - DiscoveryEd is now active for those high schools that requested it (if you are unsure check with your admin team). You can access through Classlink!

Announcement from DPI#GoOpenNC is

North Carolina’s free, statewide platform for educators to find, collaborate, and create standards aligned, openly licensed, supplemental instructional resources. Since launching in December of 2019, the platform has grown to over 38,000 resources, almost 30,000 users, and over 3,500 educator created resources using the authoring tool on the platform.

In an effort to continue to grow and share #GoOpenNC, we have started the #GoOpenNC Collaborators --- a group of educators at the charter school and district level who serve as ambassadors for #GoOpenNC and are the first to know about upcoming professional development and updates on #GoOpenNC. The goal is to have at least one representative from every PSU. You can see our current list of collaborators on this published sheet.

It is our hope that you will share the #GoOpenNC Collaborators form with those in your Public School Unit who will be champions for Open Education Resources and be involved in resource curation and building to ensure high quality resources are available for all K-12 SCOS areas. In addition, feel free to share our brief one-page document that highlights #GoOpenNC.

Our first virtual meeting for our #GoOpenNC Collaborators will be held on Friday, November 20th from 10am-12pm. An invitation to the meeting will be sent on Friday, November 6th to everyone on our collaborators list.

Thank you for your support in growing #GoOpenNC! If you have any questions, please contact Pam Batchelor at pamela.batchelor@dpi.nc.gov 

Don't forget we have PD offerings listed on the JCPS Teacher Page bit.ly/jcpsteacher - there are 3 upcoming sessions on Nearpod, as well as offerings by content area on this site: bit.ly/jcpscredit. 6-12 might really be interested in these offerings for Wednesdays.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Heads Up High Schools - DiscoveryEd is now active for those high schools that requested it (if you are unsure check with your admin team). You can access through Classlink!

Announcement from DPI#GoOpenNC is

North Carolina’s free, statewide platform for educators to find, collaborate, and create standards aligned, openly licensed, supplemental instructional resources. Since launching in December of 2019, the platform has grown to over 38,000 resources, almost 30,000 users, and over 3,500 educator created resources using the authoring tool on the platform.

In an effort to continue to grow and share #GoOpenNC, we have started the #GoOpenNC Collaborators --- a group of educators at the charter school and district level who serve as ambassadors for #GoOpenNC and are the first to know about upcoming professional development and updates on #GoOpenNC. The goal is to have at least one representative from every PSU. You can see our current list of collaborators on this published sheet.

It is our hope that you will share the #GoOpenNC Collaborators form with those in your Public School Unit who will be champions for Open Education Resources and be involved in resource curation and building to ensure high quality resources are available for all K-12 SCOS areas. In addition, feel free to share our brief one-page document that highlights #GoOpenNC.

Our first virtual meeting for our #GoOpenNC Collaborators will be held on Friday, November 20th from 10am-12pm. An invitation to the meeting will be sent on Friday, November 6th to everyone on our collaborators list.

Thank you for your support in growing #GoOpenNC! If you have any questions, please contact Pam Batchelor at pamela.batchelor@dpi.nc.gov 

Don't forget we have PD offerings listed on the JCPS Teacher Page bit.ly/jcpsteacher - there are 3 upcoming sessions on Nearpod, as well as offerings by content area on this site: bit.ly/jcpscredit. 6-12 might really be interested in these offerings for Wednesdays.