Good news!  We will have a second virtual Media/Tech BOY Meeting on Tuesday, November 3 at 1:00pm.  This is a makeup meeting for those that were unable to attend the other day.

A lot of important information will be shared during this meeting. Please be reminded that it is a requirement for CTAs to attend this meeting to maintain their tech rights.  

Please use this link to access the meeting:

Friday, October 30, 2020

Makeup Media/Tech BOY Meeting


Good news!  We will have a second virtual Media/Tech BOY Meeting on Tuesday, November 3 at 1:00pm.  This is a makeup meeting for those that were unable to attend the other day.

A lot of important information will be shared during this meeting. Please be reminded that it is a requirement for CTAs to attend this meeting to maintain their tech rights.  

Please use this link to access the meeting: