Exciting Updates

We have purchased a district license for Screencast-O-Matic to join go to Classlink and click on the icon. Sign up and you will have a team account. This will allows you to make screencasts without limitations - please share this information with your teachers.

Here is a help document in case you need it.  More information on the teacher support site: bit.ly/jcpsteacher, including a live support session next week and a recording of one from last week.

Big shout to our Media Coordinators for creating some great self paced PD on tools teachers have but may not know all the intricacies - including the updated DiscoveryED which has been purchased for all Middle and Elementary Teachers, NCWiseOwl and Google! 

Check it by joining the course by clicking on this image

Here is a video made by Samantha Lam at West Clayton on logging in via classlink feel free to share and use as you need it.

Classlink update!  Everything should be working here is help guide that might have the answers to lingering questions.

Google Enterprise was approved at the last board meeting so hold on tight Meet is getting a facelift and we will have more features to share soon!

Until then here are some Tips and Tricks for Google Meet that might help while we wait for new features release.

Remember Zoom (not support at district level) is limited to 40 minutes now and if your school is using it you will need to have teachers set it up for them to join via the web browser (kids can not install the app)  Here is the tip sheet from the spring: bit.ly/jcpsvideoconference

Friday, August 14, 2020

Exciting Updates

Exciting Updates

We have purchased a district license for Screencast-O-Matic to join go to Classlink and click on the icon. Sign up and you will have a team account. This will allows you to make screencasts without limitations - please share this information with your teachers.

Here is a help document in case you need it.  More information on the teacher support site: bit.ly/jcpsteacher, including a live support session next week and a recording of one from last week.

Big shout to our Media Coordinators for creating some great self paced PD on tools teachers have but may not know all the intricacies - including the updated DiscoveryED which has been purchased for all Middle and Elementary Teachers, NCWiseOwl and Google! 

Check it by joining the course by clicking on this image

Here is a video made by Samantha Lam at West Clayton on logging in via classlink feel free to share and use as you need it.

Classlink update!  Everything should be working here is help guide that might have the answers to lingering questions.

Google Enterprise was approved at the last board meeting so hold on tight Meet is getting a facelift and we will have more features to share soon!

Until then here are some Tips and Tricks for Google Meet that might help while we wait for new features release.

Remember Zoom (not support at district level) is limited to 40 minutes now and if your school is using it you will need to have teachers set it up for them to join via the web browser (kids can not install the app)  Here is the tip sheet from the spring: bit.ly/jcpsvideoconference