Classlink update

The plan is to turn on Google Integration on Monday, August 10 which will change the chromebook experience.  Users will use their Classlink credentials to sign into the chromebooks.  Here is a brief video of how to set up your password recovery which will come up for student Grades 6-12 and all staff members.  If you have users experiencing issues with Classlink please email Amy Stanley with as much detail as possible regarding what the issue is.

Start Video for Staff
Start Video for Students

Here is a guide that offers a bit of information regarding apps that have special log in requirements:
Please use as needed.  Teachers might also consider sharing important information like Powerschool numbers (and passwords) with students at welcome back orientation/calls.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Classlink update

 Classlink update

The plan is to turn on Google Integration on Monday, August 10 which will change the chromebook experience.  Users will use their Classlink credentials to sign into the chromebooks.  Here is a brief video of how to set up your password recovery which will come up for student Grades 6-12 and all staff members.  If you have users experiencing issues with Classlink please email Amy Stanley with as much detail as possible regarding what the issue is.

Start Video for Staff
Start Video for Students

Here is a guide that offers a bit of information regarding apps that have special log in requirements:
Please use as needed.  Teachers might also consider sharing important information like Powerschool numbers (and passwords) with students at welcome back orientation/calls.