For the 2020 school year, the deadline for the North Carolina Digital Learning and Media Inventory (NC DLMI) and the Digital Learning Progress Rubric (DLPR) has been extended to December 31, 2020, due to COVID-19 and the resulting school building closures. We understand both, the NCDLMI and DLPR,, require access to your buildings and the ability to meet and have discussions around providing accurate information.  As a reminder, the NCDLMI is due every year on June 30 and the DLPR is due every other year.  We hope delaying both of these reports to December will alleviate some burdens on you and your staff during this time.  We will continue to monitor the situation and revise as needed.

(Please note the data entered in the DLMI should be accurate as of the date of submission in December.)  

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Deadline Delayed for NC DLMI & NC DL Progress Rubric

For the 2020 school year, the deadline for the North Carolina Digital Learning and Media Inventory (NC DLMI) and the Digital Learning Progress Rubric (DLPR) has been extended to December 31, 2020, due to COVID-19 and the resulting school building closures. We understand both, the NCDLMI and DLPR,, require access to your buildings and the ability to meet and have discussions around providing accurate information.  As a reminder, the NCDLMI is due every year on June 30 and the DLPR is due every other year.  We hope delaying both of these reports to December will alleviate some burdens on you and your staff during this time.  We will continue to monitor the situation and revise as needed.

(Please note the data entered in the DLMI should be accurate as of the date of submission in December.)