Please let Teachers Know
We have had lots of request for Zoom to be pushed to all student chromebooks, we wanted to make sure you that you are aware that we do not have any controls over the free version of Zoom and students could start their own meetings if we allow them to create accounts and download the app on school devices.

However, with Google Meet we have complete control over what they can do because it is part of their School owned Google account. So we ask for safety reasons, that JCPS employees videoconferencing with student participants use only Google Meet. Students can not start their own Meets, however they can join any Meet that they are invited to or that the link is shared to them. Google has bumped up their security so that when the last person the leaves the Meet the link can no longer be used (so kids can't rejoin without the teacher)

So How do you create a Google Hangout/Meet with Students.
Google Meet
Step 1: Sign into your Google Account
Step 2: Go to    
Step 3: Click Start a meeting to get the link and share it with your participants and you are off and running. This is for impromptu (and you have students emails saved to quickly invite them)

If you want to schedule a meet:
Step 1: Go to your calendar:
Step 2: Click on the date and create an event, make sure you add a time.
Step 3: Invite your participants - this schedules the event and also makes the meeting link in the invite - when it is time just click on the meet link in the calendar invite. (If you are putting this on the calendar created for your classroom - students can simply click on the day's event and join right from classroom. NOTE: at least 1 person has to be invited so if you go this route you might invite your personal account to get the link to show up)

When it’s time you just join via your calendar event and you are off and running - Meet! Meet!

To record use the three dots to get to the “record” option it will save to drive when you are done.  Be sure all students have permission for photo/video before recording. The video controls allow you to mute and hide your cameras will rest at the bottom of your screen if you hover they will reappear. If you have any trouble reach out to or your technician.

Here is some resources that might be helpful:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Videoconferencing with students.

Please let Teachers Know
We have had lots of request for Zoom to be pushed to all student chromebooks, we wanted to make sure you that you are aware that we do not have any controls over the free version of Zoom and students could start their own meetings if we allow them to create accounts and download the app on school devices.

However, with Google Meet we have complete control over what they can do because it is part of their School owned Google account. So we ask for safety reasons, that JCPS employees videoconferencing with student participants use only Google Meet. Students can not start their own Meets, however they can join any Meet that they are invited to or that the link is shared to them. Google has bumped up their security so that when the last person the leaves the Meet the link can no longer be used (so kids can't rejoin without the teacher)

So How do you create a Google Hangout/Meet with Students.
Google Meet
Step 1: Sign into your Google Account
Step 2: Go to    
Step 3: Click Start a meeting to get the link and share it with your participants and you are off and running. This is for impromptu (and you have students emails saved to quickly invite them)

If you want to schedule a meet:
Step 1: Go to your calendar:
Step 2: Click on the date and create an event, make sure you add a time.
Step 3: Invite your participants - this schedules the event and also makes the meeting link in the invite - when it is time just click on the meet link in the calendar invite. (If you are putting this on the calendar created for your classroom - students can simply click on the day's event and join right from classroom. NOTE: at least 1 person has to be invited so if you go this route you might invite your personal account to get the link to show up)

When it’s time you just join via your calendar event and you are off and running - Meet! Meet!

To record use the three dots to get to the “record” option it will save to drive when you are done.  Be sure all students have permission for photo/video before recording. The video controls allow you to mute and hide your cameras will rest at the bottom of your screen if you hover they will reappear. If you have any trouble reach out to or your technician.

Here is some resources that might be helpful: