Reminder: Maintenance Set for this Weekend
The next Home Base maintenance weekend is scheduled for tomorrow, Feb. 9, through Sunday, Feb. 11. PowerSchool and Schoolnet are both scheduled for maintenance.
During this maintenance period, Schoolnet will be upgraded to version 19.1. This upgrade will feature:
o Test Restrictions
o Submit a Pending Online Test for a Student
o Continued Support for Canvas LMS Integration
o Enhancements to Item Search and Search Results
o MathML
o TestNav
-Texas Instrument Calculators (Graphing Calculator)
-Answer Key Only Tests
School & District Data
o Benchmark Dashboard
o Test Report Summary
o Tabbed Layout
o Analysis Spreadsheet
A portion of the Certica Item Bank, specifically multiple choice and open response items with MathML formats, will be updated in Schoolnet as well. Although Schoolnet may be accessible during certain periods of the weekend, Pearson, the vendor, requests users to refrain from using the application.
Home Base will be brought down on Friday at 5 p.m. and returned to service no later than Monday, Feb. 12, at 6 a.m. Once maintenance is completed, a message will be sent to notify users that the system is up and available for use. If there is a delay in bringing up the applications, users will be notified.
All newly imaged machines will be upgraded to Office 2016. We don't foresee any issues with this upgrade. However, if you run into any problems with compatibility or other issues please let us know. Note: This will not impact CTE Microsoft classes.