It's the most wonderful time of the year...
It is that time of year when you find your staff looking for creative ways to educate our students!
Many times this means they are looking for videos to share.
Be sure to take a moment to review with your staff the proper video showing procedures to ensure that they are not breaking copyright laws.
You can also share the "safe" places to locate educational "tools"
like Discovery Education and NC Wise Owl.
From the Johnston County Schools Procedures Manual for Media Centers,
In accordance with Johnston County Board Policy, all digital media broadcasts other than those from the school media center or central office collection require written prior approval from the principal. The approval is granted for specific classes and it never extends for more than one school year.
2. All videos and digital media must be previewed by the teacher prior to use in the classroom.
3. In accordance with JCS Board Policy 3330-R, Disney Entertainment films may not be shown in the classroom, unless they are purchased from Disney’s Educational division. They will have the words “Disney Educational” on them.
4. Teachers are exempt from the public performance prohibition only if they meet ALL FOUR of these criteria:
- The teacher must be present when the viewing occurs.
- The video must be shown in a classroom setting and only the students enrolled in that class may attend the showing.
- The video content must be a direct connection to the curriculum being taught and it may not be used as a reward or filler.
- The video/digital media being used must be a legal copy, not copied from a legitimate copy.
6. Privately purchased videotapes and DVDs labeled home use only may not be shown in the classroom over the media retrieval system.
7. Videos/digital media that are shown in the classroom must be purchased by a teacher or school through an educational vendor. The following vendors are recommended:
- Follett
- Library Video Company
- PBS Video
- AIMS Multimedia
- Disney Educational Productions
- Teacher’s Video Company
- Discovery Channel
- History Channel
- A & E
9. Personal video equipment may not be attached to classroom monitors. Bringing a VCR and DVD player from home for classroom use violates the technology use agreement for Johnston County School employees.
Digital Media Guidelines
In the Johnston County School System, the viewing of rated videos is restricted to:
Grade Levels
Video Ratings
K – 4
5 – 8
G, PG with parental permission
9 – 12
G, PG, PG-13
JCS Board Policy prohibits the broadcasting of digital media that violates copyright for student viewing.
All videos, regardless of rating, should be shown with discretion. Videos with ratings other than G, PG, or PG-13 are strictly forbidden. No R-rated videos may be shown in JCS.
Teachers who wish to use a PG rated film for grades 5- 8 should preview the video, receive written prior approval from the principal using a fully completed Request for Prior Approval of Digital Broadcast and, upon approval, should do the following:
- Provide written notice to parents with an alternative assignment option. Notice must include an accurate description of the contents of the videotape or DVD, the educational objective, and information on where the parent or guardian may obtain the video for preview.
- Require a signed permission statement from the parent or guardian of each student prior to allowing students to view the video and keep the signed forms on file.
- Offer to a student, upon parent request, a meaningful alternative activity in association with the same learning objective.
Here is the link for the "Prior Approval of a Digital Media Broadcast" form.
If your school has purchased the Public Performance Rights Site License here is the information on what that license allows.