The last week of school is here and it is a great time for students and staff to cleanup your email and drives before you leave for the summer.  Here are a few best practices and tools to help you.

Student/Staff Drives:
It is a good idea to backup all files on your school based drives before you leave for the summer. Refer to your EOY checkout sheets for your school process, many schools will delete all files on "shared" drives to start fresh for the upcoming year.

Google Takeout:
To create an archive of all files on up to 16 different Google products including Drive and Gmail. This process is free and very simple, just follow the onscreen directions as shown below.

1. Create an archive:

2. Select your services to backup and your file download type (by default all files will download as a zip file):

3. Click Create Archive

4. Download your archive file:

Your archive file might take a few minutes to prepare depending on the amount of files in your Drive and Gmail. Your archive file will be available for seven days. It is strongly encouraged you download your archive file to your home computer or a flash drive.  

Questions? Comments?
Please email me at

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

End of Year Cleanup for Drive and Gmail-Google Takeout

The last week of school is here and it is a great time for students and staff to cleanup your email and drives before you leave for the summer.  Here are a few best practices and tools to help you.

Student/Staff Drives:
It is a good idea to backup all files on your school based drives before you leave for the summer. Refer to your EOY checkout sheets for your school process, many schools will delete all files on "shared" drives to start fresh for the upcoming year.

Google Takeout:
To create an archive of all files on up to 16 different Google products including Drive and Gmail. This process is free and very simple, just follow the onscreen directions as shown below.

1. Create an archive:

2. Select your services to backup and your file download type (by default all files will download as a zip file):

3. Click Create Archive

4. Download your archive file:

Your archive file might take a few minutes to prepare depending on the amount of files in your Drive and Gmail. Your archive file will be available for seven days. It is strongly encouraged you download your archive file to your home computer or a flash drive.  

Questions? Comments?
Please email me at