We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation--especially the 4th of July holiday weekend.

Don't forget you can get started learning about PowerTeacher now! You will hear a few new terms this school year:

  • PowerTeacher - what teachers will use to take attendance and enter grades (just like NCWise's TAM)
  • PowerSchool - what all other staff will use to access student information (administrators, counselors, school nurses, etc.)
  • PowerSource - a repository of training videos and knowledgebase documentation

At some point around mid-June, you should have received an email from powersource@pearson.com to activate your PowerSource account.  You can utilize the Training tab to access the Distance Learning modules.  This way, you can get a head start in learning the program before the next school year begins.   When searching for training, filter results by Product (PowerSchool) and Roles (Teachers).

Each school has a PowerTeacher representative (you might be one) to assist in PowerTeacher training during the workdays.  While many of us are not spearheading this effort at our schools, to help our colleagues with basic information, going through a few of the training modules will allow us to be of assistance at the beginning of the school year.

Friday, July 5, 2013


We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation--especially the 4th of July holiday weekend.

Don't forget you can get started learning about PowerTeacher now! You will hear a few new terms this school year:

  • PowerTeacher - what teachers will use to take attendance and enter grades (just like NCWise's TAM)
  • PowerSchool - what all other staff will use to access student information (administrators, counselors, school nurses, etc.)
  • PowerSource - a repository of training videos and knowledgebase documentation

At some point around mid-June, you should have received an email from powersource@pearson.com to activate your PowerSource account.  You can utilize the Training tab to access the Distance Learning modules.  This way, you can get a head start in learning the program before the next school year begins.   When searching for training, filter results by Product (PowerSchool) and Roles (Teachers).

Each school has a PowerTeacher representative (you might be one) to assist in PowerTeacher training during the workdays.  While many of us are not spearheading this effort at our schools, to help our colleagues with basic information, going through a few of the training modules will allow us to be of assistance at the beginning of the school year.