The April 30 meeting needs to have representation from each school.  If you cannot attend, please make sure that someone attends in your place (media, assistant principal, member of your MTAC, etc.).  We will be covering end-of-year procedures and, as most of you know, we will be working with the AMTR ( and how to finalize for the 2012-13 school year.  In order to complete the report, you must use your NCID to log in to the site.  If you do not have an NCID, please let us know by Monday, April 22 - via an email to Amy Stanley.

If you have an NCID, please go ahead and verify you can log in.  Your username will be first_last.   If you cannot get successfully log in to your account, please let us know.  However, you should first try to reset your password at the site:  If you can successfully answer your security questions, the site will allow you to reset your password.  Here are the requirements for the password:
  1. Password cannot contain any of these characters: backslash (\), plus sign (+), forward slash (/), double quotes ("), reverse single quote (`), single quote ('), or space.
  2. Password cannot contain more than 2 characters in consecutive & sequential order.
  3. Password must have at least 1 special character.
  4. No character can be used more than 2 times consecutively.
  5. Password must have at least 8 characters.
  6. Password can have at most 35 characters.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Next meeting

The April 30 meeting needs to have representation from each school.  If you cannot attend, please make sure that someone attends in your place (media, assistant principal, member of your MTAC, etc.).  We will be covering end-of-year procedures and, as most of you know, we will be working with the AMTR ( and how to finalize for the 2012-13 school year.  In order to complete the report, you must use your NCID to log in to the site.  If you do not have an NCID, please let us know by Monday, April 22 - via an email to Amy Stanley.

If you have an NCID, please go ahead and verify you can log in.  Your username will be first_last.   If you cannot get successfully log in to your account, please let us know.  However, you should first try to reset your password at the site:  If you can successfully answer your security questions, the site will allow you to reset your password.  Here are the requirements for the password:
  1. Password cannot contain any of these characters: backslash (\), plus sign (+), forward slash (/), double quotes ("), reverse single quote (`), single quote ('), or space.
  2. Password cannot contain more than 2 characters in consecutive & sequential order.
  3. Password must have at least 1 special character.
  4. No character can be used more than 2 times consecutively.
  5. Password must have at least 8 characters.
  6. Password can have at most 35 characters.