As a reminder, Chromebooks cannot be used for EOGs or EOCs this spring.  It looks very favorable that Chromebooks will be a supported device for state testing next school year.  Please see here for official documentation.

NCDPI has approved iPads as a device that can be used for state testing this year; however - Johnston County Schools will not be delivering EOGs or EOCs on iPads.  Each iPad would need a testing profile installed, which includes locking down 35+ features.  (If you are curious, you can click here for the long list of iPad restrictions that go along with the testing profile.)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Online Testing

As a reminder, Chromebooks cannot be used for EOGs or EOCs this spring.  It looks very favorable that Chromebooks will be a supported device for state testing next school year.  Please see here for official documentation.

NCDPI has approved iPads as a device that can be used for state testing this year; however - Johnston County Schools will not be delivering EOGs or EOCs on iPads.  Each iPad would need a testing profile installed, which includes locking down 35+ features.  (If you are curious, you can click here for the long list of iPad restrictions that go along with the testing profile.)