What is the Technology Readiness for Online Assessments?
You have received an email about the technology readiness tool.  This tool is a web-based application designed to (a) help schools identify current technology infrastructure and (b) assist in determining what next steps will best prepare schools and districts for a successful transition to online testing.

The tool is to be used by states in the Smarter Balanced and PARCC consortia to collect and assess levels of technology readiness.

Readiness is taken from data taken at the school level and rolled up in reports to the district, state, then consortia levels.  The following lists how readiness is determined:
  • degree to which hardware and software (devices) at the school level meet the minimum requirements set by the consortia
  • adequate ratio of test-taking devices to test takers within a prescribed timetable
  • sufficient bandwidth to handle the expected volume of traffic and content
  • Adequate number of trained personnel to support the process
The tech readiness tool assesses the current capacity and the technology needed to administer the new online assessments in four areas: devices, device to test-taker ratio, network infrastructure, and staff & personnel.

Again, you have received email about the Technology Readiness tool.  Keep that for later.  We will let you know when you are able to login and will send additional detailed login directions.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Technology Readiness for Online Assessment

What is the Technology Readiness for Online Assessments?
You have received an email about the technology readiness tool.  This tool is a web-based application designed to (a) help schools identify current technology infrastructure and (b) assist in determining what next steps will best prepare schools and districts for a successful transition to online testing.

The tool is to be used by states in the Smarter Balanced and PARCC consortia to collect and assess levels of technology readiness.

Readiness is taken from data taken at the school level and rolled up in reports to the district, state, then consortia levels.  The following lists how readiness is determined:
  • degree to which hardware and software (devices) at the school level meet the minimum requirements set by the consortia
  • adequate ratio of test-taking devices to test takers within a prescribed timetable
  • sufficient bandwidth to handle the expected volume of traffic and content
  • Adequate number of trained personnel to support the process
The tech readiness tool assesses the current capacity and the technology needed to administer the new online assessments in four areas: devices, device to test-taker ratio, network infrastructure, and staff & personnel.

Again, you have received email about the Technology Readiness tool.  Keep that for later.  We will let you know when you are able to login and will send additional detailed login directions.  Stay tuned!