We are very excited that it is going to work out to have a countywide PLC on the October 31st workday.  The plan:

Elementary: Polenta will host!  Thank you, Kelly, for taking the lead.  Elementary will meet from 8:30 to 12:00 and have a potluck brunch (everyone bring a breakfast food).  On the agenda:
  • Integrating with Pixies
  • Introducing Chromebooks
  • Strategies for iPads
Middle & High: West Johnston High will host!  Thank you, Jeanette, for being our leader here.  Middle & High will meet from 8:30 - 12:00.  On the agenda:
  • Best Practices
    • What are we doing as one of the instructional leaders in our buildings?  Please bring one idea to share.
    • SchoolCenter
    • Google Docs (high school)
  • Effective integration with SAS--building classes and loading students (time to explore included)
  • Using Thinkfinity as a springboard for lessons (time to explore included)
  • iPads in the classroom
If there is anything you would like to add to your area's agenda.  Please email Kelly or Jeanette.

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 31 Countywide Workday PLC

We are very excited that it is going to work out to have a countywide PLC on the October 31st workday.  The plan:

Elementary: Polenta will host!  Thank you, Kelly, for taking the lead.  Elementary will meet from 8:30 to 12:00 and have a potluck brunch (everyone bring a breakfast food).  On the agenda:
  • Integrating with Pixies
  • Introducing Chromebooks
  • Strategies for iPads
Middle & High: West Johnston High will host!  Thank you, Jeanette, for being our leader here.  Middle & High will meet from 8:30 - 12:00.  On the agenda:
  • Best Practices
    • What are we doing as one of the instructional leaders in our buildings?  Please bring one idea to share.
    • SchoolCenter
    • Google Docs (high school)
  • Effective integration with SAS--building classes and loading students (time to explore included)
  • Using Thinkfinity as a springboard for lessons (time to explore included)
  • iPads in the classroom
If there is anything you would like to add to your area's agenda.  Please email Kelly or Jeanette.