Study Island Blue Ribbon Challenge for Science

During the month of March, students in 5th and 8th grade Science and High School Biology participated in a district-wide challenge to earn blue ribbons in Study Island. A blue ribbon is awarded when a student completes a lesson with mastery of the lesson topic or standard. 

Over 16,000 Blue Ribbons were earned!

Congratulations to our individual class winners who earned the most blue ribbons during the challenge:

Ms. Rawls, Clayton High School

Ms. Faucett at Smithfield Middle and Mrs. Robbins at Four Oaks Middle

Ms. Warlick at Wilson's Mills Elementary

Thank you to everyone who participated and keep up the great learning!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Technology Thursday (4/7/22): Study Island Science Challenge Results


Study Island Blue Ribbon Challenge for Science

During the month of March, students in 5th and 8th grade Science and High School Biology participated in a district-wide challenge to earn blue ribbons in Study Island. A blue ribbon is awarded when a student completes a lesson with mastery of the lesson topic or standard. 

Over 16,000 Blue Ribbons were earned!

Congratulations to our individual class winners who earned the most blue ribbons during the challenge:

Ms. Rawls, Clayton High School

Ms. Faucett at Smithfield Middle and Mrs. Robbins at Four Oaks Middle

Ms. Warlick at Wilson's Mills Elementary

Thank you to everyone who participated and keep up the great learning!