Schoolnet 22.1 Update Scheduled
Please share with teachers:The update to Schoolnet 22.1 has been scheduled for North Carolina! Schoolnet will go down on Friday, January 22, at 8:00 p.m., and will return to service no later than 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 23. Other Home Base applications will not be impacted by the Schoolnet update window. View the release notes for Schoolnet 22.1 here.
Additional Items Added to Schoolnet
In case you missed it:
In December, a total of 7,834 new assessment questions were added to Schoolnet from the NCDPI Accountability team! 4,833 of those items were added to the NCDPI Released bank for use by teachers, and the other 3,001 items were added to the NCDPI Benchmark bank for use by PSU administrators. To find these items quickly, search by dates 12/14/2020–12/16/2020.