Mystery Science
Because of our partnership with Discovery Education we are being offered Mystery Science for free until the end of the school year. Please share with all K-5 Science teachers the following link: to sign up for an account and then you can access through Classlink.
Getting started Video:
If you already had an account it has already been moved to the district. Discovery Education is offering a session for Elementary teachers on December 8 at 3:45 they will include integration ideas for using Mystery Science with your Discovery Education account.
NCWiseOwl Resources for Computer Science Week
NCWiseOwl offers resources suitable for supporting Computer Science Week (Dec. 7-13) and accompanying Hour of Code.
The STEM in Focus toolkit resource highlights examples that support STEM/STEAM in your school.
The NCWiseOwl eBook collections have various series (book sets) addressing a wide array of coding topics that are suitable for classroom instruction, individual student reading, and professional learning.
Slides 7 and 8 specifically address coding with example coding eBooks.