Additional Apps Updated

Kami has been enabled for all students and teachers in the district - it is best used through the extension (already sent to students, but teachers might need to load it)  Teachers may also launch from the Classlink icon shown above.
Here is the link to the training recording and training materials: Kami Support Page

Flocabulary has been purchased for grades 3-8.  It should show up on their Classlink.  However, teachers might best use this tool by sending links to the students through Google Classroom or Canvas.  
Here are links to come of the support documents from the company:

Lesson Guides for pre-made lessons

Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly Update

 Additional Apps Updated

Kami has been enabled for all students and teachers in the district - it is best used through the extension (already sent to students, but teachers might need to load it)  Teachers may also launch from the Classlink icon shown above.
Here is the link to the training recording and training materials: Kami Support Page

Flocabulary has been purchased for grades 3-8.  It should show up on their Classlink.  However, teachers might best use this tool by sending links to the students through Google Classroom or Canvas.  
Here are links to come of the support documents from the company:

Lesson Guides for pre-made lessons