Email Spamming Rules - please do not use the phrase "Private Message" all messages with this phrase are being flagged and will not go through.  This is in an attempt to help with some spamming.

Please select another phrase private comment, individual email, etc would not be flagged.  This might help your teachers get information to their students.

Important - please encourage all your teachers who are using RELAY classroom to clean up their classes from previous years.  They should be archiving old sections and removing students that are no longer under their watch.  Also, remember any restrictions you set through Relay Classroom at the beginning of the class should be removed when class is over.  This is impacting students and preventing them from doing their school work.  If these issues continue, Relay Classroom will be disabled for all schools.  Your diligence to train your teachers on how to use this tool will save everyone a lot of headache.  Here is a link to the training. It takes just 15 minutes to complete.

Surprise Purchases - we still had some CARES money, so TAC has submitted needed resources and several of those are being purchased to assist you with Digital/Virtual Delivery.  Please check out the full list of purchases here.  New license information for Kuta 20-21: Click here

New Resources the might be helpful

Newline has a new University with best practices for the TruTouch Panels - if your school has these you might want to take a look.

New resources for Nearpod were posted this week on the Teacher Resource website

Coming September 30 - Best Practice sharing sessions - be on the lookout for more information in an email  from Dr. Lanier.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Weekly Update

Email Spamming Rules - please do not use the phrase "Private Message" all messages with this phrase are being flagged and will not go through.  This is in an attempt to help with some spamming.

Please select another phrase private comment, individual email, etc would not be flagged.  This might help your teachers get information to their students.

Important - please encourage all your teachers who are using RELAY classroom to clean up their classes from previous years.  They should be archiving old sections and removing students that are no longer under their watch.  Also, remember any restrictions you set through Relay Classroom at the beginning of the class should be removed when class is over.  This is impacting students and preventing them from doing their school work.  If these issues continue, Relay Classroom will be disabled for all schools.  Your diligence to train your teachers on how to use this tool will save everyone a lot of headache.  Here is a link to the training. It takes just 15 minutes to complete.

Surprise Purchases - we still had some CARES money, so TAC has submitted needed resources and several of those are being purchased to assist you with Digital/Virtual Delivery.  Please check out the full list of purchases here.  New license information for Kuta 20-21: Click here

New Resources the might be helpful

Newline has a new University with best practices for the TruTouch Panels - if your school has these you might want to take a look.

New resources for Nearpod were posted this week on the Teacher Resource website

Coming September 30 - Best Practice sharing sessions - be on the lookout for more information in an email  from Dr. Lanier.