I wanted to share that the Digital Learning Team at DPI has created a new site to help with the new standards. These standards are being adopted beginning 2020-21.
The Division of Digital Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce the publication of additional resources to support implementation of NC's Digital Learning Standards. The following are available through our Digital Learning Standards' site:
- Timeline
- FAQs
- Crosswalks to DLCs for Teachers and the American Association of School Library Standards
- Grade Band Indicators to support educators in visualizing these standards in action
- Parent Resources
We will also be offering a session around these for MEDIA and TECH if you are interested please sign up here to get information about this year's ignite: bit.ly/interest2020. We'd love for some of you to present at Ignite if you are interested in presenting here is the link, the call for proposals closes March 6, bit.ly/ignitepresent2020