K-12 Users
Your teachers have received the following Guide to access both the ELA (elementary/secondary) and Math (elementary) online resources through NCEdCloud:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YWVCp0EH07t178q06hOlmB44ksC80sTxpb2NsyhHA1E/edit
ELA Secondary and Math is currently not working but we are working with Pearson to get things working soon.
K-3 Users
DPI recently created a QR Scan option to the NCEdCloud login screen. Teachers will be able to get these QR's to print and pass out to students. They can use the ScanQR app on the chromebooks to launch a scanner and log into NCEdCloud easily.- a new button to scan a QR code will appear on the NCEdCloud IAM Service login page (see image below). Even though all users will be able to click that button, only those students who have a QR code generated by the NCEdCloud will be able to authenticate using this login path.
- This will also allow them access to iStation the new assessment tool adopted by the state.
When it is up and running K-3 teachers will see the following when they are logged in: