To assist elementary schools with Lexia Core5 Reading we created an additional method to access the program. "JCPS Lexia Core5" has been added to the chromebook apps kiosk (same place you find NWEA)". Using this method eliminates the need for students logging into the chromebook prior to logging into the Lexia program. Note: each time a student completes their work it is important to click "Restart Session" at the top-left corner of the screen prior to use by another student. This will only show up for elementary schools.
To assist elementary schools with Lexia Core5 Reading we created an additional method to access the program. "JCPS Lexia Core5" has been added to the chromebook apps kiosk (same place you find NWEA)". Using this method eliminates the need for students logging into the chromebook prior to logging into the Lexia program. Note: each time a student completes their work it is important to click "Restart Session" at the top-left corner of the screen prior to use by another student. This will only show up for elementary schools.