Over the weekend a patch was applied to Schoolnet to resolve the error message when copying a co-authored test. We have confirmed this issue has been resolved and you should now be able to make a copy of a co-authored assessment. If you continue to experience problems, please contact Pam Batchelor, email: pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us to report the issue.

Thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Schoolnet Patch Applied

Over the weekend a patch was applied to Schoolnet to resolve the error message when copying a co-authored test. We have confirmed this issue has been resolved and you should now be able to make a copy of a co-authored assessment. If you continue to experience problems, please contact Pam Batchelor, email: pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us to report the issue.

Thank you for your patience!