We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! This week we are sharing some upcoming events and free holiday resources that you may be interested in using in your classroom.

Discovery Education Remembering Pearl Harbor Virtual Viewing Party

This free event starts at 12:55pm on December 7th, it will be a live stream of FDR's speech on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Discovery Education has compiled some additional classroom resources and a Twitter chat after the live stream. This event is recommended for grades 3-12.

Discovery Education Christmas Content Collection

Discovery Education has curated a collection of resources for every grade level about the upcoming holidays. Click here to view the content collection and suggested strategies for using these resources.

Scholastic Teacher Planning Calendar for December

Scholastic has a monthly planning calendar for teachers with linked resources that are great for elementary students. Click here to see December's calendar.

Code.org Hour of Code Week, December 5-9th

Next week is Hour of Code Week, Code.org's goal is for every student in grades K-12 to be exposed to one hour of computer science coding next week. You can help make that goal a reality by following the teacher guide to lead your students on one of the fun coding tutorials-including themes such as Star Wars and Minecraft.

Click here to view the Hour of Code teacher guide!

We hope you find these resources helpful during this busy time of year!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday Web Tool: Holiday Resource Roundup!

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! This week we are sharing some upcoming events and free holiday resources that you may be interested in using in your classroom.

Discovery Education Remembering Pearl Harbor Virtual Viewing Party

This free event starts at 12:55pm on December 7th, it will be a live stream of FDR's speech on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Discovery Education has compiled some additional classroom resources and a Twitter chat after the live stream. This event is recommended for grades 3-12.

Discovery Education Christmas Content Collection

Discovery Education has curated a collection of resources for every grade level about the upcoming holidays. Click here to view the content collection and suggested strategies for using these resources.

Scholastic Teacher Planning Calendar for December

Scholastic has a monthly planning calendar for teachers with linked resources that are great for elementary students. Click here to see December's calendar.

Code.org Hour of Code Week, December 5-9th

Next week is Hour of Code Week, Code.org's goal is for every student in grades K-12 to be exposed to one hour of computer science coding next week. You can help make that goal a reality by following the teacher guide to lead your students on one of the fun coding tutorials-including themes such as Star Wars and Minecraft.

Click here to view the Hour of Code teacher guide!

We hope you find these resources helpful during this busy time of year!