Chromebook Memory Full errors!
Try Power washing and re-enrolling any device giving you memory errors, it should help resolve the error messages.
Here are the steps:
- Press Esc +
+ Power. The screen displays a yellow exclamation point (!).
- Press Ctrl + D to begin dev mode, then Enter. The screen displays a red exclamation point (!).
- Press Ctrl + D. The Chromebook deletes all local data, returning to its initial state. NOTE: You will receive a screen stating the device owner has disabled development mode. Ignore this message. The data deletion occurs.
- The chromebook restarts with "no network", attach chromebook to "Guest" network.
- You will receive "Enterprise Enrollment", Is this a teacher exclusive chromebook? If YES, use your staff account to enroll Chromebook into the domain. Is this a student chromebook? If YES, enroll Chromebook into the domain using any student account.