In December, Google Classroom had some handy updates to the grading tools that you might find helpful
-Export Grades to Google Sheets: In addition to .csv files, you can now export your grades directly to Google Sheets. The Sheets template includes a class average and an average per student. If you have ideas about how we can make this export to Sheets even more useful, please leave us feedback by clicking the question mark at the bottom left of the Classroom page, then choosing “send feedback.
-Easier to update grade point scale: We know not all assignments are out of 100 points. You've always been able to change the point value, but a lot of teachers had trouble finding this feature. So we’ve made it easier to change the grading scale to any number you need it to be.
-Keyboard navigation for entering grades: When you’re entering lots of grades, you need a fast way to navigate from student to student. We’ve added the ability to use the up and down arrows to move directly from the grade entry area for one student to another.
-Sort by name on grading page: In addition to sorting students by completion status (done, not done), you can now sort by first or last name.
-Last month they also released an update that allows you can now add a private comment for a student when you’re returning their work.
Want to see more check out this blog post on Google's site.