Some of you have been receiving Quicktime update requests.  This is not necessary for the Quicktime to work.  Users can simply click No to the update and then continue on and Quicktime will function as usual. Please share with your staff.  This is true for both AD and Novell Computers.

Currently YouTube is having issues with Google, however, our filter vendor M86 is working on a fix.  We have found small success with a couple of strategies.
1. Have the user log out of their google account and then browse to YouTube for the video, without Google launched the video might play.

2. A second options is to use Google presentations and embed the video in the presentation.  Here are the steps to do this:

  • Insert a Blank Slide
  • Using the Insert Menu
  • Select Video
  • Browse YouTube for your video
Go to present mode and your video might work.  Neither of these is a permanent fix however, option 2 does remove the ads.  We are continuing to look for a solution that is more permanent including the possibility of YouTube for Schools.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Quicktime & YouTube

Some of you have been receiving Quicktime update requests.  This is not necessary for the Quicktime to work.  Users can simply click No to the update and then continue on and Quicktime will function as usual. Please share with your staff.  This is true for both AD and Novell Computers.

Currently YouTube is having issues with Google, however, our filter vendor M86 is working on a fix.  We have found small success with a couple of strategies.
1. Have the user log out of their google account and then browse to YouTube for the video, without Google launched the video might play.

2. A second options is to use Google presentations and embed the video in the presentation.  Here are the steps to do this:

  • Insert a Blank Slide
  • Using the Insert Menu
  • Select Video
  • Browse YouTube for your video
Go to present mode and your video might work.  Neither of these is a permanent fix however, option 2 does remove the ads.  We are continuing to look for a solution that is more permanent including the possibility of YouTube for Schools.