Today our E-Rate representative shared an opportunity for all of us to share our thoughts about E-Rate.  As many of you know, E-Rate is federal funding that offers our district an opportunity to buy infrastructure equipment and basic services at a reduced rate.  Sometimes the fees are covered completely!  E-Rate funding has allowed us to build up our wireless services, and it helps cover the cost of our web-hosting and filtering services.  However, we would love to expand the funding to include even more services and possibly even devices.

We invite you to read the following message and follow the link to submit just a short comment about how important it is to keep E-Rate funding and possibly expanded it to include more.

ISTE has posted on their a very short and sweet "form" that you may use to make comments and click a Submit button to submit your comments to the FCC.

Anyway you look at it, this is YOUR chance to have your individual voices heard above all the noise!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

E-Rate Seeks our Input

Today our E-Rate representative shared an opportunity for all of us to share our thoughts about E-Rate.  As many of you know, E-Rate is federal funding that offers our district an opportunity to buy infrastructure equipment and basic services at a reduced rate.  Sometimes the fees are covered completely!  E-Rate funding has allowed us to build up our wireless services, and it helps cover the cost of our web-hosting and filtering services.  However, we would love to expand the funding to include even more services and possibly even devices.

We invite you to read the following message and follow the link to submit just a short comment about how important it is to keep E-Rate funding and possibly expanded it to include more.

ISTE has posted on their a very short and sweet "form" that you may use to make comments and click a Submit button to submit your comments to the FCC.

Anyway you look at it, this is YOUR chance to have your individual voices heard above all the noise!