We are ready for JCS's Technology Showcase.  Many of you have identified a teacher and select students to represent your school--awesome!  In fact, we've seen great collaboration among colleagues as the digital learning coaches have become involved in the process.  Even though you might not be representing one of your lessons, we highly encourage you to attend to show your support and to be of assistance for the teacher and students from your school.

Please complete the registration form by Friday, October 11.  Registration can be completed at http://bit.ly/TechShowcase2013.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

13th Annual Technology Showcase

We are ready for JCS's Technology Showcase.  Many of you have identified a teacher and select students to represent your school--awesome!  In fact, we've seen great collaboration among colleagues as the digital learning coaches have become involved in the process.  Even though you might not be representing one of your lessons, we highly encourage you to attend to show your support and to be of assistance for the teacher and students from your school.

Please complete the registration form by Friday, October 11.  Registration can be completed at http://bit.ly/TechShowcase2013.