Google has just released a new version of the Google Search App for the iPhone and iPad. The Google Search App has a new feature called Google Now. Google Now is a predictive search feature that uses your  profile and past searches to create a digital display of search results that may interest you.

(example of Google Now on iPhone)

The App "learns" about you the more you use it and will display information depending on your location and interests. For example, it may display the weather for your current location and the scores for your favorite sports teams automatically.The voice search feature has also been updated to be more reliable and accurate. You can now opt to receive voice reminders of upcoming appointments as well as a visual reminder on the home screen.

For more information, visit:

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Google Tidbit: Updated Google Search App Now Available!

Google has just released a new version of the Google Search App for the iPhone and iPad. The Google Search App has a new feature called Google Now. Google Now is a predictive search feature that uses your  profile and past searches to create a digital display of search results that may interest you.

(example of Google Now on iPhone)

The App "learns" about you the more you use it and will display information depending on your location and interests. For example, it may display the weather for your current location and the scores for your favorite sports teams automatically.The voice search feature has also been updated to be more reliable and accurate. You can now opt to receive voice reminders of upcoming appointments as well as a visual reminder on the home screen.

For more information, visit: