Reminder: all Tech Leaders will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm in the WCCC. This meeting will contain vital end of year information. If you cannot attend, please send a  representative from your school (media, assistant principal, member of your MTAC, etc.). We will be covering end-of-year procedures and, as most of you know, we will be working with the AMTR ( and how to finalize for the 2012-13 school year.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Reminder: Tech Leader Meeting Tomorrow!

Reminder: all Tech Leaders will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm in the WCCC. This meeting will contain vital end of year information. If you cannot attend, please send a  representative from your school (media, assistant principal, member of your MTAC, etc.). We will be covering end-of-year procedures and, as most of you know, we will be working with the AMTR ( and how to finalize for the 2012-13 school year.