We have created a new screen desktop background application at all schools.

The changes are
  • Machine Name in larger/yellow font
  • IP Address in larger/red font
The purpose of this update is to assist staff with quickly locating required information for SchoolDude requests. This will help teachers identify the information quickly so the IT requests can be filled out more efficiently.   Please share with teachers at your site!

The application will be silently installing throughout your school over the next week.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Desktop Background

We have created a new screen desktop background application at all schools.

The changes are
  • Machine Name in larger/yellow font
  • IP Address in larger/red font
The purpose of this update is to assist staff with quickly locating required information for SchoolDude requests. This will help teachers identify the information quickly so the IT requests can be filled out more efficiently.   Please share with teachers at your site!

The application will be silently installing throughout your school over the next week.