Reminder that all student accounts have been provisioned as part of the prep for our local cloud single-sign on process. Michele Bass shared a master list of login information for all K-8 students on 8/21-8/23. Please check that list, if you have a student whose account information has been changed to include a 1 at the end, it is because somewhere in the district there is another student with their exact same information.  Please make sure students do not have the caps lock enabled as the AD passwords are case-sensitive.  Please do not adjust their account, any changes you try to make will be provisioned back to the previous version on the next sync as well as cause the student to be unable to login.  The sync happens every week night unless Powerschool is down.  So tonight any students entered last Friday will be provisioned.

If you think the additional 1 is an error please send the student's name and school to Michele Bass for her to investigate.


Monday, August 31, 2015

Student Accounts

Reminder that all student accounts have been provisioned as part of the prep for our local cloud single-sign on process. Michele Bass shared a master list of login information for all K-8 students on 8/21-8/23. Please check that list, if you have a student whose account information has been changed to include a 1 at the end, it is because somewhere in the district there is another student with their exact same information.  Please make sure students do not have the caps lock enabled as the AD passwords are case-sensitive.  Please do not adjust their account, any changes you try to make will be provisioned back to the previous version on the next sync as well as cause the student to be unable to login.  The sync happens every week night unless Powerschool is down.  So tonight any students entered last Friday will be provisioned.

If you think the additional 1 is an error please send the student's name and school to Michele Bass for her to investigate.
