Digital Citizenship Week: Basics of Internet Safety

How do we determine which websites are safe and how much information to share? The example lessons below could be used to help students stay safe online. The resources below are from Common Sense Education and a free educator account may be needed to fully access all lessons.

Example Lessons:
Grades K-2: Internet Traffic Light Lesson Plan from Common Sense Education
Grades 3-5: Private and Personal Information Quick Activity Guide from Common Sense Education
Grades 6-8: Social Media Test Drive: Students learn about ads on Social Media and how to spot the differences between advertisements or sponsored posts and other content on social media.
Grades 9-12: Being Aware of What You Share is an online lesson plan from Common Sense Education about data privacy.

Family Engagement Resources on Online Privacy and Safety from Common Sense Education

Do you have additional lessons or links to share on internet safety for students? Share them in the comments!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Digital Citizenship Week: Basics of Internet Safety


Digital Citizenship Week: Basics of Internet Safety

How do we determine which websites are safe and how much information to share? The example lessons below could be used to help students stay safe online. The resources below are from Common Sense Education and a free educator account may be needed to fully access all lessons.

Example Lessons:
Grades K-2: Internet Traffic Light Lesson Plan from Common Sense Education
Grades 3-5: Private and Personal Information Quick Activity Guide from Common Sense Education
Grades 6-8: Social Media Test Drive: Students learn about ads on Social Media and how to spot the differences between advertisements or sponsored posts and other content on social media.
Grades 9-12: Being Aware of What You Share is an online lesson plan from Common Sense Education about data privacy.

Family Engagement Resources on Online Privacy and Safety from Common Sense Education

Do you have additional lessons or links to share on internet safety for students? Share them in the comments!