Digital Citizenship Week: Cyberbullying & Digital Drama
What should students do if they feel unsafe or witness acts of digital drama or cyberbullying? These example resources may be helpful to build students' awareness of digital content and friendships in the digital world of social media.
Example Resources:
Grades K-2: The Pause and Think Online video and student activity from Common Sense Education encourages students to pause and think when they are online.
Grades 3-5: It's Ok to Tell video and student activity from NetSmartz Kids. This video explains to students that they should tell a trusted adult if they see anything online that makes them sad, scared, or confused.
Grades 6-8: Dealing with Digital Drama, a quick activity from Common Sense Education encourages students to reflect on digital drama and why it may happen. Students practice ways to de-escalate the situation.
Grades 9-12: Is It Cyberbullying, a video from the US Department of Health and Human Services explains different types of cyberbullying.
Looking for more information to share with families? has a Digital Awareness for Parents guide.