From the CenturyLink Representative:
I need your help in spreading the word on the fantastic opportunities available to teachers and students in the markets CenturyLink serves. Funded by the Clarke M. Williams Foundation, this program has been tremendously successful in promoting CenturyLink’s commitment to the local communities we live and serve. Please share the attached flyer and press release in the community.
A few items to note about the program:
· Full-time private and public school teachers are eligible
· Only schools in CenturyLink’s residential service areas may apply
· Applications will be accepted Oct. 1, 2015 – Jan. 12, 2016 via the online registration portal: aboutus/community/foundation/ teachers.html
· Grant recipients will be announced after April 1, 2016
· Grant awards range from $500-$5000
· Applicants do not have to be CenturyLink customers to apply or win
Thank you in advance for helping promote this program in North Carolina
Here are links to 2 documents that might be helpful! News Release and Brochure