Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! 

Today, we are sharing one of our favorite new instructional tools, Quizizz. Quizizz is very similar to Kahoot, with a few great tweaks. Quizizz allows you to create formative assessments for your students and display them in a fun and engaging environment.

To get started, go to: http://quizizz.com/

Click on the "Get Started" link and create your teacher account (it's free).

From the dashboard page, you can search over 80,000 public quizzes or create your own. I'm going to search for a multiplication quiz.

I can sort search results by relevance or recency. When I hover over a quiz, it becomes highlighted and the questions appear on the right side of the page. Click on a quiz to preview it.

I have several options on the quiz preview page, I can see each question and answer choices, as well as the play button to start using this quiz immediately. I can also click on the purple "Duplicate" button to make a copy of the quiz that I can edit.

At any point if I wish to create a new quiz, I can click the create button at the top of the webpage.

First, I have to enter a quiz name and add subject tags.

This is the quiz editor, on the left side is where I can insert images and question content. On the right side, I see a preview of the question. I can upload images to be used as the question. Once my question is complete and I have selected the correct response, I click on the yellow "+ Add Question" to create the next question.

Once my quiz is complete, I click finish and add the final settings. I need to add a grade level and privacy setting for my quiz. I want this quiz to be private, so I clicked on the private button under quiz privacy. This means that only I can see the quiz.

Now that I'm ready to play my quiz, I click on the orange play button.

Now, its time to choose my game settings:

Question order and timer can be turned on or off. I can also turn the leaderboard and question memes (humorous pictures that display after each question) on or off as desired. Quizizz also has a feature to jumble question order.

I click on proceed to start the quiz.

Students go to join.quizizz.com and enter the code on the screen to join my quiz. Once everyone has joined, I click on "Start Game." Students can still join the quiz at any time and complete the entire quiz.

The pace of Quizizz is completely self paced, students move automatically to the next question. I think the flow of Quizizz is more natural for students. I could also have students rotate thru the quiz in centers without having to start/stop the quiz for each group.

Once the quiz is complete, a student name list with all responses will display on the board. I can click on "Save Data" to download a spreadsheet with student names and responses for grading and documentation.

I hope you explore Quizizz and find it an engaging assessment tool for your students.

Questions or Comments?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Web Tool: Use Quizizz for Simple and Fun Formative Assessments

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! 

Today, we are sharing one of our favorite new instructional tools, Quizizz. Quizizz is very similar to Kahoot, with a few great tweaks. Quizizz allows you to create formative assessments for your students and display them in a fun and engaging environment.

To get started, go to: http://quizizz.com/

Click on the "Get Started" link and create your teacher account (it's free).

From the dashboard page, you can search over 80,000 public quizzes or create your own. I'm going to search for a multiplication quiz.

I can sort search results by relevance or recency. When I hover over a quiz, it becomes highlighted and the questions appear on the right side of the page. Click on a quiz to preview it.

I have several options on the quiz preview page, I can see each question and answer choices, as well as the play button to start using this quiz immediately. I can also click on the purple "Duplicate" button to make a copy of the quiz that I can edit.

At any point if I wish to create a new quiz, I can click the create button at the top of the webpage.

First, I have to enter a quiz name and add subject tags.

This is the quiz editor, on the left side is where I can insert images and question content. On the right side, I see a preview of the question. I can upload images to be used as the question. Once my question is complete and I have selected the correct response, I click on the yellow "+ Add Question" to create the next question.

Once my quiz is complete, I click finish and add the final settings. I need to add a grade level and privacy setting for my quiz. I want this quiz to be private, so I clicked on the private button under quiz privacy. This means that only I can see the quiz.

Now that I'm ready to play my quiz, I click on the orange play button.

Now, its time to choose my game settings:

Question order and timer can be turned on or off. I can also turn the leaderboard and question memes (humorous pictures that display after each question) on or off as desired. Quizizz also has a feature to jumble question order.

I click on proceed to start the quiz.

Students go to join.quizizz.com and enter the code on the screen to join my quiz. Once everyone has joined, I click on "Start Game." Students can still join the quiz at any time and complete the entire quiz.

The pace of Quizizz is completely self paced, students move automatically to the next question. I think the flow of Quizizz is more natural for students. I could also have students rotate thru the quiz in centers without having to start/stop the quiz for each group.

Once the quiz is complete, a student name list with all responses will display on the board. I can click on "Save Data" to download a spreadsheet with student names and responses for grading and documentation.

I hope you explore Quizizz and find it an engaging assessment tool for your students.

Questions or Comments?