It’s time to take those videos that students passively watch and make them interactive. With eduCanon, teachers can make their own videos or any Youtube video an active and engaging learning experience for their students. Teachers can differentiate by assigning different videos or bulbs to groups of students, and reports let you see learning needs as assignments are completed.
Create your free basic account by going to
(see end of blog post for details on how to get a free upgrade to premium access)
To design your first lesson, click on the design button at the top right corner. On the left hand side, you will see step by step directions for building your lesson-Enter in the title, learning objectives, grade, etc for the lesson. Search for video or enter url of desired video.
Once you have inserted the video, it will show up on the right hand side of the screen. Here you can crop the video, add questions to the video, and finalize your lesson.
To crop the video, click on the Crop Video button under the video. This is a great way to cut out introductions or trim down the video to a smaller chunk.
To add a question, locate the point in the video where you would like a question to be asked. Click on the Add Question button under the video. Select the desired question type. (With a basic account, teachers can choose Multiple Choice, Check All That Apply, and Reflective Pause.)
Questions will show up on the right side of the video and can be edited as needed.
Continue adding all desired questions for the selected video clip. Questions will populate on the right side of the video as they are created.
When done, click on the Finish Build to finalize the lesson.
At this point, the lesson is now a “bulb”can be assigned or it can be saved for later. At any time, a teacher can assign a bulb by selecting the assign button at the top of the page.
To assign to a class/group, select a due date and then drag and drop the bulb from the right side of the screen into the desired class/group.
Students can either create an account and link to their teacher’s class, OR teachers can upload a roster. Here is a student view of their assigned bulbs.
As students view the bulb, the questions pop up at the assigned spots in the video. Students can also view their score at the end of the video.
Teachers can view results for each bulb by classes/groups with a question by question breakdown.
********************************For a limited time*****************************
From now until October 5th, eduCanon is giving away premium subscriptions to entire schools for free. To get your premium subscription, refer your colleagues to sign up with your referral link. To access your referral link, click on your name in the top right corner of the page. Here you will find your profile along with your link to send out to the teachers at your school.
Ready to get started?
Go to
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