Happy Wednesday!
This week we are exploring a free social studies website that is a good free reference for grades 6-12. Go Social Studies Go is a set of online textbooks grouped by subject (US History, World History, and World Religions). Each textbook is divided into topics and subtopics. Each page has graphics, notes, and short videos that are related to the topic. Go Social Studies Go is based on Common Core Standards.
Let's look around, go to: http://www.gosocialstudiesgo.com/
Click on "Get Started" to see the subject list.
Click on the picture for the subject you wish to explore. I'm going to look at World History.
This is what the top of the topics page looks like. Scroll down to see all the topics under World History. I'm going to click on Code of Hammrurabi to learn more about that topic.
This is what Hammurabi's page looks like. Notice the image, quote, and short video segment that goes along with the longer notes. Other pages have different primary sources such as interviews and journal entries. I have also seen maps and letters on certain topic pages. Some of the topic pages also have quizzes designed to go along with the notes.
I hope you explore Go Social Studies Go and show your students this easy to use reference site for social studies.
Questions? Comments?
Please email me at: pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us