Exciting updates for Relay Classroom users! Relay Classroom updates took effect on November 3rd, 2021 will include a new Early Access beta feature: Group Web Rules.

Group Web Rules enable teachers to apply Web Rules to the specific groups (Student Segments) that they create.

Group Web Rules are applied by clicking the Group Web Rules button on any Student Segment, selecting Allow or Block, inputting the URLs in the fly-out menu, and pressing Apply Changes.


  • No Group Web Rules are applied.
    Note: Any Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments) will be applied to the group when None is selected in Group Web Rules.


  • Restrict students browsing to a specific list of websites. This allows for a maximum of 100 websites.
    Note: Group Web Rules override the Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments). 


  • Provides full access to the internet except for any websites that the teacher lists. This allows for a maximum of 100 websites.
    Note: Group Web Rules override the Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments).

Also included in this update:

  • Class Controls (Screen Lock, Send Link, Web Rules, Share Screen) are moved from Class Settings in the left-navigation menu to top of the group list and heat map views.

  • Allow and Block can be applied to both website domains and specific URLs.

  • Group Web Rules can be used to Allow or Block a specific URL for a Student Segment, while the rest of the class has Allow or Block rules applied for the entire domain.

    • For Example:

      • The class is allowed to visit the entirety of youtube.com via applied Web Rules, while a Student Segment, via applied Group Web Rules is only allowed to visit a specific YouTube URL 

For a complete walkthrough of Lightspeed Classroom Management™, please refer to the video in Classroom for Teachers - Navigation and How-To.

School tech leaders! Please use these instructions to help you help your teachers get started with Relay Classroom. If you have any questions, please reach out to Stephanie Haumont.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Tech Thursday (11/11/21): NEW Group Web Rules in Relay Classroom!


Exciting updates for Relay Classroom users! Relay Classroom updates took effect on November 3rd, 2021 will include a new Early Access beta feature: Group Web Rules.

Group Web Rules enable teachers to apply Web Rules to the specific groups (Student Segments) that they create.

Group Web Rules are applied by clicking the Group Web Rules button on any Student Segment, selecting Allow or Block, inputting the URLs in the fly-out menu, and pressing Apply Changes.


  • No Group Web Rules are applied.
    Note: Any Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments) will be applied to the group when None is selected in Group Web Rules.


  • Restrict students browsing to a specific list of websites. This allows for a maximum of 100 websites.
    Note: Group Web Rules override the Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments). 


  • Provides full access to the internet except for any websites that the teacher lists. This allows for a maximum of 100 websites.
    Note: Group Web Rules override the Web Rules applied to the entire class (Default Group plus all Student Segments).

Also included in this update:

  • Class Controls (Screen Lock, Send Link, Web Rules, Share Screen) are moved from Class Settings in the left-navigation menu to top of the group list and heat map views.

  • Allow and Block can be applied to both website domains and specific URLs.

  • Group Web Rules can be used to Allow or Block a specific URL for a Student Segment, while the rest of the class has Allow or Block rules applied for the entire domain.

    • For Example:

      • The class is allowed to visit the entirety of youtube.com via applied Web Rules, while a Student Segment, via applied Group Web Rules is only allowed to visit a specific YouTube URL 

For a complete walkthrough of Lightspeed Classroom Management™, please refer to the video in Classroom for Teachers - Navigation and How-To.

School tech leaders! Please use these instructions to help you help your teachers get started with Relay Classroom. If you have any questions, please reach out to Stephanie Haumont.