Starting this week, employee passwords will begin to expire every 90 days for the NCEdCloud IAM system. To begin this policy, employee passwords will start to expire according to the schedule below based on the user's last name.

Please note that this policy does not apply to students.

Please share this information with your staff so they will be aware when they see the password expiration notification when they login to the NCEdCloud.

For more information, please review this blog post from the NCEdCloud IAM service.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Employee Password Expiration Policy Now in Effect for NCEdCloud

Starting this week, employee passwords will begin to expire every 90 days for the NCEdCloud IAM system. To begin this policy, employee passwords will start to expire according to the schedule below based on the user's last name.

Please note that this policy does not apply to students.

Please share this information with your staff so they will be aware when they see the password expiration notification when they login to the NCEdCloud.

For more information, please review this blog post from the NCEdCloud IAM service.