EPIC! is a massive online library of thousands of eBooks for students in grades preK-6. EPIC offers FREE access to its online library for educators. Many titles are available in Spanish as well as with read aloud options.

To get started, visit: getepic.com

Click on the link for educators to learn more about the free account option:

Click on "Get Started" to create your free educator account:

From the home screen you can see popular titles based on the information you used to create your account.

Click on the search button on the top right menu bar to see all the options for searching for titles:

I love that you can search by reader age as well as fiction/non-fiction.

Click on any title to open the eBook and start reading:

The books are very engaging and are full of illustrations. Titles that have a read aloud option have a play button at the beginning of the book. This particular title is actually a sing-along book.

EPIC! allows educators to create up to 30 free learner profiles for your students. It will keep track of titles each student has read and pages turned.

To create a profile, click on the avatar in the top right corner and you should see the option to create a classroom. Follow the steps to add students to your class.

EPIC! also has a free app for Apple and Android devices. I hope you create a free educator account and explore all the great resources available on EPIC!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday Web Tool: Get EPIC!- Thousands of Free eBooks for Students in Grades preK-6!

EPIC! is a massive online library of thousands of eBooks for students in grades preK-6. EPIC offers FREE access to its online library for educators. Many titles are available in Spanish as well as with read aloud options.

To get started, visit: getepic.com

Click on the link for educators to learn more about the free account option:

Click on "Get Started" to create your free educator account:

From the home screen you can see popular titles based on the information you used to create your account.

Click on the search button on the top right menu bar to see all the options for searching for titles:

I love that you can search by reader age as well as fiction/non-fiction.

Click on any title to open the eBook and start reading:

The books are very engaging and are full of illustrations. Titles that have a read aloud option have a play button at the beginning of the book. This particular title is actually a sing-along book.

EPIC! allows educators to create up to 30 free learner profiles for your students. It will keep track of titles each student has read and pages turned.

To create a profile, click on the avatar in the top right corner and you should see the option to create a classroom. Follow the steps to add students to your class.

EPIC! also has a free app for Apple and Android devices. I hope you create a free educator account and explore all the great resources available on EPIC!