Please share the following information with school staff that use NCWiseOwl resources.
Just a reminder that the following EBSCO resources are being discontinued and have been replaced by Explora:
Explora is now available from the left side navigation in each of the zones.
As you may know, PBS videos have been accessible through an NCWiseOwl partnership with NC LIVE. This collection includes videos from PBS including Ken Burns’ documentaries, Masterpiece Theater, Scientific American, American Experience, and more. This content has been accessible for districts and charter schools from the site by clicking on the link for "PBS Videos". We are pleased to announce that there is now an additional way to access this content.
On March 8, 2016 students and teachers will be able to access the NC LIVE streaming video collection using an application within the NCEdCloud IAM Service. LEA and charter school users will also now be able to access this content using the icon below that will be made available on their applications page:
We are excited to provide you with additional ways to access this content. Provided that your district has registered external IPs with NCWiseOwl, you will still be able to automatically authenticate and access the streaming video content through the NCWiseOwl site. Please choose the best access option that works to meet the needs of your students.
See below for answers to commonly asked questions about the NC LIVE streaming video service.
Q: Are there technical requirements for my network to allow access to the Media Collection?
A: Yes, your network firewall will need to allow traffic through the following ports: : port 80 : port 1935
In addition, all computers on the network need to accept cookies from the domain.
Contact your local network administrator for more information.
Q: What hardware, software, and other technology do I need to watch the NC LIVE Video Collection?
A: Videos can be viewed on any device with an Internet connection and Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) software. Your device must have an Internet connection speed of at least 175 Kbps.
NC LIVE Media Collection videos are available in three streaming formats: a lower bandwidth option (175 Kbps), a standard bandwidth option (400 Kbps), and a high bandwidth option (1MB). Videos cannot be downloaded or saved to a device.
Q: Do libraries and schools have public performance rights for Films on Demand and NC LIVE Videos Collection?A: Yes! Public performance rights are provided to NC LIVE member libraries, provided the library or any other exhibitor does not charge an admission fee or derive monetary gain.